
Foreshadowing in The Last Jedi

This isn't a review. I loved it, and I'm not here to try to detail why specifically I did, to convince you that you should, or anything like that. There are some significant spoilers here so don't read on until you've seen the movie. I may over time write about a few other aspects of the movie, but what I want to cover right now is foreshadowing in The Last Jedi. Foreshadowing is not something you see a ton of in major blockbusters. The script is generally direct and to the point, and offers little room in the lesser scripts of most "popcorn movies" for proper homage (as was clear in multiple areas of this film, probably my next major topic) or for strong foreshadowing, a plot device used well in The Empire Strikes Back, but seldom in the 6 Star Wars movies made since. The Last Jedi is rife with foreshadowing, most of it centered around Luke. It begins before Luke leaves the island of Ach-To. When Rey continues to push Luke about why he needs to return